MGC Racing and Road
It does go round corners
December 2019 update
The next six castings are now at the machine shop with three heads spoken for already.
The last of the first batch has gone to Switzerland , so that make Two to Australia , two to USA one to Sweden and one to Switzerland. Although a bit later than expected I hope we can get started on machine work before Christmas.
July 2019 Update
The first head from the new batch has been done and sent to CA for a MGC race car which should be quite special with alloy wings all round. A third race head will go to CA as well same shop doing another race C.
The Second race head has gone to UK MGC racer Steve Atkinson who bought Connors Race C.
The fast road head No 2 has gone to Sweden. No 3 UK

We now have a reliable manufacturing line although only 6 heads at a time will be cast . By year end we hope to have 14 Alloy heads done, two from an early casting and machine shop.
October 2017 update
The head and new casting has been transferred to another company due to lack of available time on the new CNC machine. Very frustrating over the years but we will get there this time.
New stainless high flow valves are ready as well.
The MGC alloy head updated casting has now been heat treated and is on its way to the machine shop. Plan is to machine on the new CNC unit and this should be the final form for all following heads.
The main problem was wall thickness around the plug, the walls are thin even on the cast Iron head so for the first test head I used a 10mm plug. We have increased the wall thickness to the maximum without spoiling cooling round the plug.
We intend to continue to use the 10mm plug which comes in all heat ranges as required for longevity of the casting this is the way to go. I am sure that at some stage someone will over torque a plug and will need to repair, the extra meat around the plug will allow this.
A new set of valves has been made for us to use which will be a nice improvement in flow.
The amount of effort involved in bringing a alloy head to the C community has been huge on all parties from Steve and I to our caster, machinist and finisher. In taking our time to get it right we will ensure that the C will have a replacement cylinder head for many years to come.

MGC alloy head first run YOUTUBE.

The head has been fitted with no issues, great work from the machine shop to scan the head and machine it to such tolerances that every bolt fitted first time.
We have done a couple of hundred miles so far with revs and driving over a range of town and dual carriageway work, raving up to 5000 rpm +
We have fitted a modified Dizzy to help use the head to its full potential on a standard car, a upgrade I can throughly recommend. Supplied by Steve Curtis.
The Alloy head is running well no issues and with over 2000 miles now. The pattern has been adjusted to allow some more material in certain areas that we thought was needed. Casting will take place of one head and machined by a mother company now connected with Damico and Darren will do the final finishing.