MGC Racing and Road
It does go round corners
Performance Parts
MGC alloy Cylinder heads - we have done a number of these heads over the years and the last 5 arrived at the finishers a couple of weeks ago , They are made as fast road heads ported with a chamber of 48cc (which can be changed ) Stainless high flow valves , bronze guides , HD springs and Top hat valve stem seals.
The cost is £4132 at present for this batch most of which are confirmed sold. However we plan to do one last run next year of 4 heads . The cost is becoming too high for owners in my opinion to pay unless racing or motorsport.
Alloy Radiators - again I have sold many of these and have imported them direct and have had adjusted to fit the MGC. These will not cure a engine so clogged with rust and sediment of over heating but allows an increase in performance and its generated heat to be effectivly controlled. Price £200 dont forget there are eby sites with these rads they may not be altered to fit the MGC and may incure customs duty. I have in stock.
Torsion Bars - Full diameter bars made by a UK compaany specialising in gear cutting, (not Quaife) they work on bars /Gears for F1. I have sold over 20 sets of these and await the next 10 sets in Novemeber end. £660 per set.
Swan neck Fillers - Since having these upscaled and designed to replace the old tin unit we have sold a few hundred and they continue to sell well. One company is supplying a swan neck and the filler neck we have not supplied them with that filler neck. price £67 - the racing version is now supplied by Colne Classics should you require that one.